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The England Women's cricket team is using AI to gain competitive advantage

Head coach for the England Women's Cricket team Jon Lewis recently revealed his approach to using AI as a selection tool to provide feedback on tough decisions about squad make-up, team balance, and in-game match-ups.

Ellie Ramirez-Camara profile image
by Ellie Ramirez-Camara
The England Women's cricket team is using AI to gain competitive advantage
Credit: England and Wales Cricket Board

Jon Lewis, head coach for the England Women's Cricket team, recently opened up about using AI as a selection tool. Lewis credits this approach as essential for helping his side draw last summer’s Ashes series. The England Women's team is not Lewis' first run with AI. He first became familiar with the work of PSi when he led the Women’s Premier League franchise UP Warriorz in India. After that positive experience, Lewis uses AI to enhance squad make-up, team balance, and in-game match-ups. The core of Lewis' approach consists of designing multiple team line-ups to send to the PSi in London, where each line-up is run against about 250,000 simulations of the opposite team to uncover some insights from the predicted outcomes of the simulations.

Lewis claims he has already seen the benefits of leveraging AI after relying on the selection tool data set during a key moment during last year’s series against Australia. By letting AI provide feedback on some very tough selections, where both picks were in excellent shape, the team managed to match up to Australia's strength.

Ellie Ramirez-Camara profile image
by Ellie Ramirez-Camara

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