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Anthropic has launched the Claude Team Plan and iOS app

Anthropic has announced a Team plan for enterprise Claude users, featuring increased usage, access to all Claude 3 models, and a large context window. The Team plan is $30 monthly per user, with a minimum of 5 users. In parallel, the company launched an iOS mobile app for all users.

Ellie Ramirez-Camara profile image
by Ellie Ramirez-Camara
Anthropic has launched the Claude Team Plan and iOS app
Credit: Anthropic

Anthropic recently announced the availability of a new Team plan and iOS app. The Claude Team plan allows the creation of a privacy-sensitive workspace where members can enjoy increased usage and administrators can profit from user management and billing tools. The Claude Team is available for $30 per user per month, with a 5-seat minimum. The Claude iOS app provides the same experience as the mobile web application. It features chat syncing across devices, vision capabilities supporting picture captures and uploads, and availability free of charge for all users.

Exclusive features for the Claude Team plan include a greater number of chats per teammate compared to the Pro plan; access to all the models in the Claude 3 family; a 200K-token context window enabling users to process longer documents, hold complex topic discussions and multi-step chats, and extract deeper insights from their data; administrative tools for user and billing management; and every Pro subscription feature. Anthropic plans to release additional collaboration features, including reliable citations to verify AI-generated claims, CRM and repository integrations, and team-based iteration on AI-generated documents and projects.

Ellie Ramirez-Camara profile image
by Ellie Ramirez-Camara

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